Case Studies

Learn how Spellman Performance has helped teams and athletes reach their potential and helped them improve their in-game performance. 

Spellman Helps Laguna Beach Football Go 9-1 with 32+ Margin of Victory

Could highly individualized in-season speed training really make a difference in on-field

Surf Soccer Wins 3 National Championships Training with Spellman Performance

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Spellman Performance Uses Universal Speed Rating with 100+ Athletes at Togethership Sports Academy

The Togethership Academy is a revolutionary middle school geared toward helping hyper-focused

Coaching Education

Learn about speed, coaching, data, and more by reading the posts below. 

Guide to Offseason Speed Training

You are more responsible for your team winning than you think I want to make sure I drive this

My Speed Training Process

I got on a plane in Miami at 5:40. I landed at midnight with my daughter. I got 4 hours of sleep.


Learn about Spellman Performance Partners

Spellman Partners with Catapult Sports for Go To Athlete Performance & Load Management System

Spellman Performance, a leading speed development company is thrilled to announce an official

Spellman Partners with VALD SmartSpeed Timing Gates as Go To System

Spellman Performance, a leading provider of speed performance training, is thrilled to announce a

Surf Soccer Wins 3 National Championships Training with Spellman Performance

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